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We are offering free-shipping for the items featured on the website that are in the UK:
Bonnet Star
Rust & Shine

Elemental is a landmark design shop in London, established 17 years ago in The Old Spitalfields Market, recently relocating down the road to the heart of Shoreditch. Specializing in the supply of mid-century, vintage and retro furniture, lighting, seating, and interiors, Adam’s custom work fits perfectly among the collection of antiques and industrial creations. You can look forward to the release of more pieces from Adam Fullerton’s Elemental Collection in their monthly newsletters. Take a look at items currently for sale, and subscribe to the newsletter here.

The Old Cinema features varied artisans, traders and collectors of vintage, antique and retro furnishings. Located on the High Street in Chiswick you can't miss the converted theater building that is now home to rooms upon rooms of fantastic oddities. Visit the website and flick through their online collection where you will find some of Adam's remaining UK pieces. If you are in the UK and would like to discuss a commissioned piece or purchase an item seen online, please do not hesitate to contact
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